3:11 p.m. - 2011-03-28 http://www.truththeory.org/the-story-of-stuff/ 6:49 p.m. - 2011-03-16 Why is that? OR.... maybe I read nothing better to myself than I do something? I didnt think of that, until just now... 6:43 p.m. - 2011-03-15 http://urbanhomestead.org/
10:12 p.m. - 2011-03-08 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.. REDUCE,REUSE, RECYCLE!!.. I am re-doing my sons room. The whole house needs freshening up really. I mean its been ten years! Shes do! Its time to clean up... I gather my paint brushes, pans, rollers... and head to the basement. as I begin to washing, the paint starts to swirl down the drain.. Egads! what the hell am I doing? Should I be washing these in the sink? is there a better way.. Dang'it! Why didnt I buy the earth friendly paint?! What now! But it doesn't stop there. Today was the day we ripped out the carpet to reveal the lovely hard woods underneath. The carpet was reclaimed.. (meaning we got it used from someone else) Wonderful! But now it was just to nasty to pass on to another.. what do I do?... Oh god.. oh god.. here it comes..another panic attack! THIS! all THIS is going to go in the land fill! Think of all the carpet that gets thrown away everyday! What am I going to do?! I cant store it anywhere.. my house is 20 X 30 - I dont know how many sq feet that is - but its not a lot! Ok.. Just put it outside I say.. I'll deal with it later. I am happy to say. My sons room looks great! But I have a far way to go before I can call myself a true tree hugging hippie.. I have a feeling they would have busted out the milk paint.. recycled the carpet into a steam hut and called it a day.. So now I'm off to google how to redecorate and still be earth friendly. Till next time.. Reduce! Reuse! and.....Recycle! ;) 2:16 p.m. - 2011-03-07 There is how ever an alternative if you forget.. tell them you want paper! I dont think they even ask anymore. They just start shoving everything in plastic! If you want fold them back up and put them with your fabric bags folded neatly..you'll be able to use them again. a list of products you can recycle..some you may have not thought of.. http://www.recyclingcenters.org/Top_50_Things_To_Recycle_and_Reuse.php 1:00 p.m. - 2011-03-03 A word to the wise. If you want to depress the shit out of yourself watch a few documentaries on how we are killing the planet. It gives you a gung-ho attitude and then eventually leaves with a feeling of utter destitute. If that is the right word for it. I can yell and scream about it, hold a sigh, march up and down the sidewalk..people will gather, they will listen, clap there hands.. then move along with their day, and do EXACTLY what they did yesterday. We are going to hell in a hand basket, and we are taking the planet with us.. all the bullshit we do everyday....day in.....day out! we are like thousands of cockroaches feeding until there is nothing left. And if nothing changes we are destine to exist no more. There are people with the extraordinary power to change this. But fuck your air, fuck your trees, and most of all fuck your planet! its theirs.. they do as they please and they are going to feed you a bunch of garbage to make you think all is ok so their wallets stay fat! ...shhhh..They know best... Yes small changes make a difference, but in the end... we need big changes. I ask the five of you who actually read my stuff... read, educate yourself..and spread the word. Find out what you can do to play the part. If enough people get wise. Then maybe, just maybe we will make big changes! Love~ 2:32 p.m. - 2011-02-21 Sincerely, 12:58 p.m. - 2011-02-10 So since I�ve been away Mother Nature has gone mad and Egyptians have had enough! Viva la Egypt� or something like that. Gawd that sounds so space aged doesn�t it! When I was a kid, that song I�m gonna party like its 1999, brought images of partying in my space house with my space friends being served by my smart ass space maid like Joan Jetson! And if not, I�d at least be rockin� out in a space aged shinny suit! One thing I have done since I�ve been away. I have committed to do volunteer work. My first experience was with hippies! And it was AWESOME! *I just sung that awesome in my head* I froze my ass of sifting dirt through a small screen to help get ready for the spring planting in a CSA greenhouse. Not really what I had planned on, with my quest to save the world� but it will do for my first try. Oh! I also had my first Gelato experience� with a double shot of Espresso! If I had to replace sex with something� it would be THAT! For those of you who have stuck around much love� *insert trendy tag line!* 7:55 a.m. - 2010-11-14 Today I woke up early for a Sunday...(I forgot to turn off my alarm)...I got up with big plans in my head....and so far I've only drank a cup O' coffee. *insert trendy tag line here* 4:52 p.m. - 2010-09-19 8:46 a.m. - 2010-09-09 That is a excerpt from Timequake. A great book. But the reason for me posting it is because as always I am disgusted with society as a whole. I have no problem with money, or people making a lot of it. But it seems that people make LOTS of money at the expense of others. Take healthcare. It is a FOR profit �business�. People make money off of the sick and dieing. This is so wrong on so many levels. And I don�t think people think much about it on a daily basis. But what happens when you get sick, or your child gets sick, or you parents get sick?! You have a few options. Get government assistance. Which so many have done, and a whole other rant�Maybe you just don�t get the care you really need and ignore it. Which a lot of people do,�.Then there is going deeply in debt and hope what the doctors have proposed will work for you. I mean, healthcare IS a science people. No guarantees.... Socialize Healthcare!? YESI said!... but that is not what we got. What we got is... *Everyone is now required by law to have healthcare or pay a fine at the end of the year when you file your taxes. WHAT? Has anyone read the definition of socialized medicine? This is not what we got. We got a forced healthcare...which millions can not afford, but are in that gray area and will have to get some sort of healthcare, out of pocket, because they do not qualify for welfare. So what they�ll get is a Geico type of coverage. They will pay a �cheep� premium every month, and when they get sick find out it doesn�t cover shit. Again I have to emphasize healthcare is a FOR profit business. So what major healthcare provider had their hand in the pockets of politicians when this bill was written? Disgusting! It is one of the many things the government says it is trying to do for the American people. 7:30 a.m. - 2010-09-02
I now only have 15 min to get ready for work.... but I have a bunch of things to post about the latest book I've been reading..... more to come. Hopefully
7:46 a.m. - 2010-08-26
But what to write about.
I�m reading Timequake right now. Great book by the way. But I�m in no mood to give book reports, or discuss books. As of late that really isnt working out for me.
Something odd. I have seen the same car on the highway everyday for the last three days. We meet at the same place on the highway everyday. I think that�s odd since I never get on the highway at the exact same time everyday. But there they are� right behind me as I merge and I watch them as they fade quickly in my re-view. I wonder if they notice me?
I haven�t watched the news in over a month. If the planet is about to fall apart, or explode. Would someone please let me know. I�ll quit paying my mortgage and run of to a more beautiful destination and watch the world end from there.
My garden is dead. I'm totaly bummed about that. I neglected it for far to long. I got really busy there for a few weekends in a row. By the time I made it out there it was such a mess I threw my hands up and said forget it. Yes, that�s the Gemini in me.
Speaking of. I just read an article about Gemini�s, and I have to say I was very disappointed. Yes most of what they say about the typical Gemini was all true. Adaptable, versatile, communicative, intellectual, youthful...and so on. lol! But then!....They lack consistency, very child like, superficial, over indulgent. Uhg. me? Really? Ok? I never thought of myself as superficial. Oh and it went on. But I wont point out any more of that. Its funny when you read about your astrological sign. How right they are about you. Really there is no changing it. Only dealing with it...and trying to make the bad qualities take a back seat to the good.
Shit, so I took a break for a minute, and saw that someone had posted this. The tag� Look at yourself after watching this�
So now I�m speechless. How to follow that without looking like an ass. Off to work on the superficial me. 10:34 p.m. - 2010-08-20 I'm gonna be late for work... I grab the gold ones and rush down the stairs... "crap!" the bathroom light is on, and my son's tv has been on all night. I hear Maury ask a lady if she is mad.. she says "oh I'm pissed Maury, I'm beyond pissed I'm pisstodium" ......What? I turn off the bathroom light, and my sons tv....I hope that didnt do any psychological damage to him in his sleep.... I walkout the door and startle the two finches that love my Corn flowers. They fly to the electric line that runs down the street. As I look up, I notice two other very tiny birds sitting there. Humming birds! They take off, and I watch as the two play tag, zigging and zagging out of trees and bushes, and then they disappear out of view. I walk to the car happy to have seen that. I start the car and the CD is still at full blast from the ride home the day before. My driveway is suddenly filled with the sounds of Phish..... I'm sure my neighbors were ready to wake up anyway. Right? I head down my street and the normal crew is out and about, I wave my normal hellos and I'm off to work... *ding ding ding* I look down. "crap!" gas! I'm really going to be late for work. My hands fumble for the CD's, enough with Phish. I think to myself how much I hate this red light. It seems to stay red for eternity. And just then, the image of Michael "squints"palledorous from sandlot pops in my head "FOR-EVER!" the light changes and I'm off again *ding ding ding "I KNOW!" gas! I need to get gas! Oh wait, seatbelt... *click I pull into the gas station and fill up....."FOR-EVER"! I'm going to be late for work... I put in a very slooooow $20 and head down the road. I find something to sing along to and notice there is a lovely red mustang on my ass...? Ok...I hit the highway and I'm on my way... I may make it ontime after all. Traffic is light, I love Fridays. Friday!? Thank god.... 7:02 p.m. - 2010-08-18 And I'll tell you why... One can not possibly know how someone else looks at life. Yes we all have likes and dislikes. But this just gives us a common bond, nothing more. Perception - the process of using the senses to acquire information. So I gather the facts, and make a conclusion on what I think I have observed. Now this observation is one sided. I can not see all fours sides of the "block". If I'm lucky I can see two... this gives me a very distorted version of what I have perceived. But I see what I see, there for I come up with an impression, and form an opinion. We all do it. I have never been one to think I judge others so quickly, but I have learned over the past few weeks.. I do exactly that! I see things the way I see them, and make a judgment... and this my friends is where I get in trouble. I do not sit back and pause....take a breath... or mull it over... I impulsively spat out what ever it is I am thinking. But now that I see that, do I want to change it? I like the fact I am a bit impulsive. I like that I don't worry so much about what I say. But as of late I am more concerned on who I am spouting off too... and how they are looking back at me. Remember they can only see two sides of me if they are lucky.?
4:48 p.m. - 2010-08-15
8:14 p.m. - 2010-08-13 I was at a funeral today. And I thought this church is beautiful. And the rituals Catholics are know for..well, it made me feel like I was bonded with those around me. All of us reciting the lords prayer in sync, and the random amens, and hallelujahs. And after all that bonding, we ate, gave hugs...and parted. I wont see these people till the next wedding, or funeral. .....hmmm my thoughts will have to wait. With the ringing phone, is an invitation to visit with friends. And a good friend is what I need right now. Round two? I know I was going to complain about shopping yesterday when I started writing this. But now I'm over it so it wont seem as passionate. I can say this how ever. I hate the fact we live in a buy crap for the sake of buying crap society. When you purchase a product is should be purchased with the intent you need it and are going to keep it for a very long time. Oh! and it would be nice if I could go into a store and have the choice of buying a high quality item, or the cheap piece of shit from China. That is one of the many reason why I hate box stores like Walmart. <-- a deep hatred that will have me going on for hours so I will stop myself now. Work..I've been wanting to say how shitty it has been lately. That too, since it is Saturday, I'm over. so I'll have to write more about that later. What I'm not over. Smoking! I stopped about four months ago. And I would love nothing more than to have a nice long drag...*sigh* I'll probably just go eat a pound of cookies! Sooo..I guess what I started last night I should have finished. I've drawn a blank. but I had a lovely time with my friends. Feeling a bit off today. So I guess I'll stop this rambling for now. 9:53 p.m. - 2010-08-07 11:13 p.m. - 2010-08-06 8:18 a.m. - 2010-03-30 I�m off work today. Thank god for Pesakh! On my to-do-list. Change this stinkin� background! <-- one thing I can check off as done. I�m also going to try and bake homemade bread today. Yes, homemade! Wish me luck. If nothing else my house will smell wonderful, even if the bread isn�t eatable. This is one of my new adventures. I�m trying to go �organic�. That�s a bit hard to do, and its killing my pocket book. A gallon of organic milk is over five dollars! Still doesn�t beat Alaska�s eleven dollar gallon of milk. I think at those prices, I�d buy a cow! Ok, I�m burning daylight...More to come! And maybe next time I will have learned how to change the link font color. 6:49 a.m. - 2010-03-27 What to write about...looks like the government is under attack by the American people who are threatening to kill them over the Healthcare Bill. Nice, way to go America. I�m sure violence will get you exactly what you want. But any who....They get enough press so on to something a little lighter. Saturday mornings...Arent they great. I�ve been up since a little after five and on any other given day I�d be bitching about it. But today, I don�t have to work! Yay! The day is mine. So the earlier I wake up, the more of this day I get to use how ever I want. Things I would do... Until next time...*I�m still working on my trendy signature...y�all have a wonderful Saturday 6:35 a.m. - 2010-03-22 I never had allergies as a kid, so I�m not quite sure where they came from. And I have no idea what the hell it is I am so allergic to this time of year. ?? Mold maybe? Who knows. But it sucks! Last year I promised myself I would go buy some local honey and eat a teaspoon everyday. Apparently this is an old remedy to keep the �allergies� away. The thought behind it is...the bees collect all kids of pollen from the area, and in eating this honey your body becomes adjusted to it. And no more allergies. I cant tell you if it works. I still haven�t stopped by the little honey stand and picked up a bottle. 11:00 a.m. - 2010-03-21 Till then, I hope you don�t mind the blue background with white lettering. I know, it�s a bit hard on the eyes�.but I�ll work on it. I�m still not sure what I should write about either. It seems that most have a �subject matter�. Something that is their own. Consistent. On topic, and one subject. Like boats, divorce... And so on. *insert trendy signature sign off here <--- still thinking on this one too! 12:39 p.m. - 2010-03-20 Deserve is a funny word. I hear it from a lot of people. By definition - to have earned, or be worthy of, warrant, or justified..What makes one person �deserve� over another person. Aren�t we all deserving of something? Each persons definition of deserve is different. And what they think they deserve as well. Who decides this worthiness? I think deserve and desire go hand in hand. You think you deserve that big raise, and you probably do..but more so, you desire it. Why, because its more money! No one can blame you for that. And to end..because I ramble, I will say this one last thing. When we had this �financial melt down�. I was hoping for something most might find crazy.
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